Friday, April 3, 2009

Queen Ka'ahumanu

Source: Engraving by G. Langlume after color litho by Louis Choris (1822) in "Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde" by Dumont d'Urville and Jules-Sébastien-César (1834-35).

1 comment:

  1. HRM Queen Ka'ahumanu was the favourite wife of Kamehameha I, "the Great". The queen depicted in the film "Hawaii", produced from the James Michener novel is based on her. Therein, she remained loyal to her heritage by having her brother-husband (a chieftain) to bury her bones in Tahiti (the Motherland)"in the old that (the Hawaiian gods) would know she loved them too". The last queen of Hawaii, HRM Queen Liliuokalani, was deposed my the powerful haole business class that had become the usurpers of the islands. Like several characters opined in the film (with a timeline preceding her ascension and overthrow), that people who came to Hawaii to promote Christianity did very well for themselves in terms of their land grab and mercantile interests. That mirrored the decimation of many cultures in the Americas and the Third World over the centuries.
